All Episodes

Displaying 1 - 30 of 347 in total

(1) S1E1The Case for Christian Nonviolence: Uncovering Presuppositions

We explore the foundational aspect of objectively weighing the case for nonviolence, which is to address our presuppositions and biases. Derek share's his story and ex...

(2) S1E2The Case for Christian Nonviolence: Biblical Evidence

A look at the positive case for Christian nonviolence as seen in both the Old and New Testaments of scripture.

(3) S1E3The Case for Christian Nonviolence: Historical Evidence

A look at the positive case for Christian nonviolence as seen in the history of early church writings.

(4) S1E4 The Case for Christian Nonviolence: Logic and Intuition

Intuition tells most people that nonviolence is often a bad decision in the face of evil...doesn't it? This episode explores evidence that our deep intuitions exhibite...

(5) S1E5 The Case for Christian Nonviolence: The Real World

In this episode I look at several examples of nonviolent individuals and/or nonviolent actions and their consequences in the real world. We look at groups like the Ami...

(6) S1E6 Rebuttal: Jesus's Anger and John's Silence

Does Jesus using a whip on people overthrow a nonviolent position? What about John's refusal to tell soldiers to leave their profession?

(7) S1E7 Rebuttal: Nonviolence is Evil in its Refusal to do Good

James tells us that evil is not only doing wrong things, but failing to do right things. Isn't a refusal to intervene in an effective way - sometimes through violence ...

(8) S1E8 Rebuttal: Jesus's Nonviolence was Purely a Messianic Role

When Jesus suffered at the hands of the authorities and lived his life without violence, was this really a prescription for his followers or merely a description of ho...

(9) S1E9 Rebuttal: Violence in the Bible Disproves Nonviolence #1

With all the violence in the BIble - especially the Old Testament, isn't it clear that violence is a moral option for Christians? In this episode we take a look at one...

(10) S1E10 Rebuttal: Violence in the Bible Disproves Nonviolence #2

With all the violence in the BIble - especially the Old Testament, isn't it clear that violence is a moral option for Christians? In this episode we take a look at the...

(11) S1E11 Rebuttal: The Violent Book of Revelation

How does Revelation fit into the nonviolent position? Surprisingly, very well.

(12) S1E12 Rebuttal: Romans 13 Part 1

Romans 13 is probably the passage most used to attack a nonviolent position. In this episode, we explore the historical understanding of Romans 13, the exegetical appr...

(13) S1E13 Rebuttal: Romans 13 Part 2

Ghandi said, "There's hope for a violent man to become nonviolent, but not for a coward." Politics has a way of showing us the cowardice behind many of us who cling to...

(14) S1E14 Rebuttal: Jesus Advocates Violence in his Command to Buy Swords

Luke 22 shows Jesus telling his disciples to go out and buy swords as he faces a showdown with the unjust authorities. Is this a clear example of Christ condoning viol...

(15) S1E15 Rebuttal: Christians in the Roman Army

We see as early as the mid 2nd century that there are Christians who are in the Roman army, and remain in the Roman army. Isn't the allowance of Christians to remain i...

(16) S1E16 Rebuttal: The Nonviolent Position Devalues the Sacrifice of Soldiers

America prides itself on being built on the sacrifice of the American soldier. We believe our freedoms have been secured and maintained by brave men and women who have...

(17) S1E17 Rebuttal: The New Holocaust

Pacifism may be good in theory, but how does it face up against the reality of extreme evil? What good would pacifism do if there were another Holocaust?

(18) S1E18 Rebuttal: Violence is Sometimes Necessary

We know that there are certain circumstances where only violence can bring about good. Don't we? We explore a situation where refusing to do violence is seemingly pass...

1:19 (19) Rebuttal: Would You Really Allow an Intruder to Harm Your Family? (Part 1- the Moral)

Perhaps the biggest hang-up with those assessing the merits of nonviolence is the scenario of an intruder who comes to harm you, your spouse, or your children. Is the ...

(20) S1E20 Rebuttal: Would You Really Allow an Intruder to Harm Your Family? (Part 2- the Practical)

We continue our discussion of how the nonviolent advocate responding to aggressors. Whereas the last episode evaluated the basis of the question and aimed to undercut ...

(21) S1E21 Rebuttal: Responding to C.S. Lewis's "Why I Am Not a Pacifist"

C.S. Lewis is a great and respected Christian thinker who was adamantly opposed to pacifism. We'll take a look at what he had to say and discuss how much weight his ar...

(22) S1E22 The Case for Christian Nonviolence: Resource Recommendations

A list of resource recommendations and explanations to help you further your research

(23) S1E23The Case for Christian Nonviolence: Conclusion

This episode concludes our look at the case for Christian nonviolence. I recap the main points as well as some of the main rebuttals and counterrebuttals. This is a gr...

(24) S2E1 Consequentialism: The Heart of Compromise

I discuss how God uncovered the ethic of consequentialism in my life, and how I've found that it continues to be uncovered in both myself and my community. In this epi...

(25) S2E2 Consequentialism: The Positive Christian Ethic

I explore the positive ethic to which the BIble calls us - holy faithfulness. I conclude that obedience, not sacrifice - faithfulness, not effectiveness, is the life t...

(26) S2E3 Consequentialism: Problems with the Lesser of Two Evils Ethic

Christians often invoke the lesser of two evils (LOTE) concept as a way of making decisions in difficult circumstance. I argue, however, that this ethic is in direct o...

(27) S2E4 Consequentialism: The Negative Ethic in the Bible

After looking at the BIble's positive ethic of faithfulness, as well as problems with the consequentialist ethic borne out in the Lesser of Two Evils ideology - we now...

(28) S2E5 Christianity Today's Article and Betrayal

Special Edition: The recent release of Christianity Today's article addressing the moral incompatibility of major party candidate's with Christ's call is very fitting ...

(29) S2E6 Consequentialism: My Consequentialist Ethic and Grace

The next four episodes deal with how God has uncovered the problems of consequentialism in my own life. The first area I want to explore is how consequentialism underm...

(30) S2E7 Consequentialism: My Consequentialist Ethic and Forgiveness

I continue to look at how consequentialism has affected my life by looking at how it shaped my view of forgiveness. I look at some issues consequentialists tend to hav...

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