All Episodes

Displaying episodes 121 - 150 of 320 in total

(120) S7E17 Nonviolent Action: Unarmed Civilian Protectors

Many think that nonviolent actions are events which are rare, and events which often end up thrusting themselves upon a populous. In this episode we discuss UCP's (una...

(121) S7E18 Nonviolent Action: Individual Nonviolence <Replay #20>

While this season has been about larger nonviolent actions up to this point, this episode looks at how the Christian should think about individual nonviolence. Some of...

(122) S7E19 Nonviolence and Abolition: The Curious Case of Benjamin Lay

I think this has been one of my favorite episodes to research and complete so far. I get to talk about Quakers, pre-Revolution America, abolition, nonviolence, Critica...

(123) S2E27 Abuse in the Church and the Network of Sins

Taking the story of Benjamin Lay discussed in the last episode, we harken back to our series on consequentialism and discuss why our churches still harbor egregious ev...

(124) S1E27 Rebuttal: Gouge Out Your Eye - Inconsistent Nonviolent Hermeneutics in the Sermon on the Mount

Nonviolent Christians often cite the Sermon on the Mount as the most influential passage in their encounter with the radical Jesus. Rather than taking Jesus metaphoric...

(125) S7E20 {Interview - Mary Crauderueff} Who Are Quakers?

I had the privilege of speaking with Mary Crauderueff who is a historian/archivist on the Quakers, and a Quaker herself. Since we reference Quakers with some frequency...

(126) S7E21 {Interview ~ Jacob Linzy of Tasting Anarchy} More Quakers, or Friends with Spiritual Benefits

Following up our episodes on Benjamin Lay and an interview discussing the Quakers, we take one more episode to dive into the Quaker world in an attempt to understand w...

(127) S7E22 Is the Gospel Enough?

In this episode I meander through the ultimate question we have to ask after a whole season on nonviolent action: "Is the Gospel enough?" I talk about the gospel, what...

(128) S7E23 Nonviolent Action: Recap/Conclusion

We recap some of the biggest takeaways from our season on nonviolent action.

(129) S7E24 Nonviolent Action: Afterword - Grotius and the Internationalists

The season on nonviolence explored nonviolent action from the individual to national level. In this afterword I discuss a book I recently read entitled "The Internatio...

(130) S2E28 Augustine and Lying

I revisit the issue of lying by taking a look at Augustine to bolster my case. I also tie in Augustine's ideology with nonviolence.

(131) S2E29 A Conversation Gone Awry

I recount an election season conversation I had about consequentialism, and express my frustration at how that went. After my rant, I explain several steps I'd take in...

(132) S1E28 A New Theodicy: God Loves the Wicked

Theodicies are great tools to help us see that while we don't know why evil exists, its existence doesn't logically necessitate throwing off belief in the God of the B...

(133) S1E29 Why is the Early Church so Important?

If we recognize the progression of society over time, why is looking back to the early church so important for Christians, and why is it such an emphasis of the nonvio...

(134) S1E30 Hope out of Complacency

I explore the role of Jesus and the gospel in motivating Christians out of complacency and into the radical Kingdom life.

(135) S6E12 Possible Worlds and Impossible Love

We explore whether or not a possible world could exist where Jesus didn't die to save sinners. If there is such a world, then is enemy love an immutable characteristic...

(136) S4E12 Jesus is Immoral (If You're a Just War Adherent)

Just War Theory has, as one of its components, the notion that to wage a just war, the cause must be achievable. This episode explores how this moral reasoning damns J...

(137) S6E13 Rebuttal: Surgeon's Scalpel vs. Attacker's Knife

If means are concomitant with their ends, then how can a surgeon's scalpel and an attacker's knife lead to two morally different outcomes? While I don't claim to solve...

(138) S6E14 Nonviolently Disciplining Your Children

I take a look at an article which discusses the importance of training our children to be peacemakers through our discipline and example. While such an approach might ...

(139) S1E31 Rebuttal: The Noahic Covenant Prescribes Capital Punishment

September 11 on the Jewish calendar is Tishrei 1 and had some seriously significant meaning. It is one possibility in Jewish tradition as being the birthday of Noah, a...

(140) S1E32 Catechisms and Killing

Reformed theology and nonviolence don't tend to go hand in hand. In this episode I evaluate how Reformed theology and documents can provide us with some very deep root...

(141) S3E16 Abortion Retraction {#53}

I retract one of the pieces of evidence used in episode 53 for bad Christian arguments against abortion. The retraction deals specifically with Numbers 5 and the inter...

(142) S6E15 Teach Children to Build a Capacity for Violence

I came across an article awhile back discussing how we need to teach our kids how to be violent so they won't be bullied. The author of the article quotes from Matt Wa...

(143) S8E1 Four Incarnations: Introduction

The incarnation is a foundational Christian doctrine, not only in regard to the incarnation of the God-man, but also as a calling for how Christians are to live their ...

(144) S8E2 Four Incarnations: Importance of the Incarnation

We continue our discussion of incarnation by looking at the importance of the call for incarnation in our lives.

(145) S8E3 Four Incarnations: Proximate

We continue our discussion of incarnation by looking at the first type of incarnation - proximate incarnation.

(146) S8E4 Four Incarnations: Positional/Social

We continue our discussion of incarnation by looking at the second type of incarnation - positional incarnation.

(147) S8E5 Four Incarnations: Experiential

We continue our discussion of incarnation by looking at the third type of incarnation - experiential incarnation.

(148) S1E33 Veteran's Day - Smedley Butler's Letter to Mothers

This Veteran's Day I want to honor Veterans by acknowledging all of their sacrifice, while encouraging future veterans to not become veterans. Rather than using my wor...

(149) S8E6 Four Incarnations: Volitional

We continue our discussion of incarnation by looking at the final type of incarnation - volitional incarnation.

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