(127) S7E22 Is the Gospel Enough?

In this episode I meander through the ultimate question we have to ask after a whole season on nonviolent action: "Is the Gospel enough?" I talk about the gospel, what it means to have a holistic gospel, and how me and my group (conservative Evangelicals) tend to conveniently and selectively apply these mantras "the gospel alone" and "social justice.' I discuss some of the problems Christians need to think through if they are to follow a book which never concerned itself with establishing rights, and rather calls one to suffering, submission, and cross. Rather than an episode bringing a solid conclusion, this episode ends with more questions than answers, and will hopefully be followed up in season 10 on government, which I am planning to begin in April of 2022.

  • The Fire Next Time - There is a sadly beautiful part in this work where Baldwin talks about black submissiveness and gentleness and asks how that can be good, or how being like Christ in that way gives him hope of heaven. "What, is heaven just another ghetto then?" Baldwin asks. With this episode, as with "His Stripes and Our Stripes," I don't at all intend to minimize suffering or support the continuing subordination of oppressed groups. Rather, my hope is that this podcast will help you to see that 1) nonviolence is not passive, but active, 2) living one's true self, like the perfect human Jesus Christ, is actually freeing, and 3) our call to Christian living is grounded in the hope of Jesus, not in circumstances, and therefore it is objective and permanent, not fickle and shifting: https://www.amazon.com/Live-Not-Lies-Christian-Dissidents/dp/0593087399/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1612546493&sr=8-1

  • Baucham sermon (I couldn't find the sermon link, but will have his quote at the bottom):
  • My Post "Is the Gospel Enough?": https://www.dckreider.com/blog-theological-musings/is-the-gospel-enough
  • Bearing Our Crosses: https://www.dckreider.com/blog-theological-musings/bearing-our-crosses
  • The Heavenly Multitude: https://www.dckreider.com/blog-theological-musings/the-heavenly-multitude
  • Economic Pornography and Pet Sins: https://www.dckreider.com/blog-theological-musings/economic-pornography-and-pet-sins
  • Western Wealth Through the Bible's Eyes: https://www.dckreider.com/blog-theological-musings/western-wealth-through-the-bibles-eyes
  • The Comfortable, White Evangelical: https://www.dckreider.com/blog-theological-musings/the-comfortable-white-evangelical
  • CT Article: https://www.christianitytoday.com/edstetzer/2020/june/reflections-from-christian-scholar-on-social-justice-critic.html
  • NT Wright The Day The Revolution Began: https://www.amazon.com/Day-Revolution-Began-Reconsidering-Crucifixion/dp/0062334395/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=The+Day+the+Revolution+Began&qid=1606930592&sr=8-1
  • One Orthodox thought on politics at 30 minute mark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDuXFLJkDt0&feature=youtu.be
  • Reading While Black: https://www.amazon.com/Reading-While-Black-American-Interpretation/dp/083085486X/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=reading+while+black&qid=1606930574&sr=8-1
  • Icons of Christ: https://www.amazon.com/Icons-Christ-Biblical-Systematic-Ordination/dp/1481313185/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=icons+of+christ&qid=1606930619&sr=8-1

    CRT Legislation Episode

Voddie Baucham Quote:

It is so disheartening to see so many pastors and Christians lose
their religion and exchange it for Social Justice.  Pastors marching
with protestors who are members of BLM and marching with Christians
for Social Justice.  But then again, it is not that surprising when we
understand that the Bible warns us that many will be seduced by false
teaching and godless ideologies.  The Bible is no longer the standard
for many Christians. Social Justice is now the new standard.
Christians and pastors are marching and protesting the murder of
George Floyd hand in hand with god-haters?  Christians and Pastors,
who have Bibles are doing this.  Why?  Do they really care about
justice?   Or have they bought into the false narrative that is being
pushed by Social Justice Warriors who place people into groups of the
oppressors and the oppressed?

The Social Justice Movement's answer for sin is redistribution of
power and wealth.  That is why you hear Christian's like Lecrae who
suggest that the solution to sin is the redistribution of power. If we
get more black people into positions of power then we can stop racism.
Lacrae has just abandoned Biblical Christianity and adopted Social
Justice as the answer for sin.  But Lecrae is not the only one doing
this.  Countless Christians and Pastors are teaching that the answer
to racism is redistribution of power. By the way there is not such
thing as racism.  The Bible calls it for what it is, hatred. Justice
is never accomplished by the redistribution of power.  Black people
have extremely wicked hearts.  So to replace a white person with
extremely wicked hearts with black person who has the same extremely
wicked heart will not fix the sin problem.  The same goes for Asians
and Hispanics and all human beings.  Humans have extremely wicked

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who
can know it? (Jeremiah 17:9)

The answer to injustice, murder, crime, etc., is not rioting,
protesting, redistribution of power and wealth, or anything else that
sinful man can come up with.  God provided the answer in the Person
and work of Jesus Christ.  The Gospel is the cure for sin.  Did the
Apostle Paul call for protests when Nero persecuted and oppressed the
minority culture of the Roman Empire which happened to be Christians?
Did the Christians protest the unjust murder of Peter and Paul?  Or
the thousands of other Christians who were murdered by Rome?  But what
happened when persecution came to them?  They went out preaching the
Gospel.  Paul even preached to prison guards who were converted.

But we live in a different society than that of the Roman Empire.  So
we can and should fight for more just laws and practices.  And as of
this very day, I am personally unaware of any unjust laws on the books
that are targeting minorities.  Why? Because Christians in the past
challenged those unjust laws and put an end to them.  President Trump
recently signed a prison reform act to correct some of the problems
with our penal system.  And there is nothing wrong with fighting for
Law Enforcement reform acts that might address some issues as well.
But, if you think that is going to stop racism, police brutality,
violence, and injustice you are greatly mistaken.  More cops will kill
unarmed black and white men, more blacks will murder other blacks,
more whites will murder other whites, more children will be sold into
sex trafficking, more women will be raped, more husbands will beat
their wives, and yes, even more wives will physically abuse their
husbands, more men and women will commit sexual sin, and a higher
percentage of black babies will continue to be murdered in the womb.

Many pastors and Christians have lost their way. They are jumping on
the Social Justice bandwagon without and regard as to what the goal of
Social Justice really is.  It is seeking to address sins and
grievances through a godless, anti-God, anti-Biblical worldview.  And
Christian Denominations and Organizations like T4G, TGC, ERLC, SBC,
9Marks, and SBTS are jumping on this bandwagon and leading many
pastors and churches astray.

The Gospel is of First Importance.  But sadly, those who use this as
their slogan, have traded it in for Social Justice.

Thanks to our monthly supporters
  • Laverne Miller
  • Jesse Killion
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(127) S7E22 Is the Gospel Enough?
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