(150) S8E7 {Interview ~ Keith Giles} "Jesus Unarmed"

We discuss Keith Giles's new book, "Jesus Unarmed." 0:00:00 - Introduction 0:07:43 - Why should we care about the early church? 0:11:48 - How do we pick and choose what we draw from the early church and what we leave behind? Why nonviolence but not misogyny? 0:16:43 - How do we pick and choose what is literal from the words of Jesus? Why nonviolence but not gouging out our eyes? 0:25:08 - How was Constantine so effective at overhauling the church so quickly? 0:32:58 - What is the relation of nonviolence to poverty? 0:39:23 - Discuss how Constantine split society into a sacred and secular one, and how he divorced orthodoxy from orthopraxy. 0:43:38 - What is the importance of incarnation and discipleship to nonviolence and the Christian life? 0:53:13 - How is understanding mimesis helpful for the Christian life? Is the church failing because the world is so alluring to mimic, or because the church is failing to offer a counter-mimesis? 1:00:48 - If mimesis is so important, then protecting the purity of the church is important. How do we balance church discipline with inclusivity and acceptance? 1:08:23 - Protecting the reputation of the church is loving one another. 1:12:08 - Do you have any insight on how we determine what we should consume and be influenced by? 1:22:13 - Closing remarks

  • Jesus Unarmed: https://www.amazon.com/Jesus-Unarmed-Prince-Disarms-Violence-ebook/dp/B09KK266M4/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=jesus+unarmed&qid=1637312804&sr=8-1
  • Keith Giles Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keithagiles/?hl=en

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  • Laverne Miller
  • Jesse Killion
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(150) S8E7 {Interview ~ Keith Giles} "Jesus Unarmed"
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