(196) S9E39 {Interview ~ John Dangelo of Anti-War War Vet} Cogs in the Machine
I had the opportunity to interview John Dangelo of the Anti-War War Vet (link in show notes). We discuss empire, honoring soldiers, Christianity, Lysander Spooner, and moral injury (see timestamps).
0:00 - Introduction
6:20 - Pacifism vs anti-war
9:45 how our freedoms and security are hampered by protecting our freedom through military action
20:30 - Diffusion of responsibility as cogs in a wheel that run the machinery
26:30 - inalienable rights aren't inalienable, as we don't apply them to other groups
31:45 - Smedley Butler
34:15 - Is war a racket?
41:20 - Taxes, contracts, and Lysander Spooner's "No Treason"
47:30 - Moral injury and the cost of state violence
- A huge thanks to Seth White for the awesome music!
- Thanks to Palmtoptiger17 for the beautiful logo: https://www.instagram.com/palmtoptiger17/
- Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/thewayfourth/?modal=admin_todo_tour
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTd3KlRte86eG9U40ncZ4XA?view_as=subscriber
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theway4th/
- Kingdom Outpost: https://kingdomoutpost.org/
- My Reading List Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/21940220.J_G_Elliot
- My Reading List Google Docs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10h_yL0vO8-Ja_sxUJFclff11nwUONOG6/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=103262818858083924733&rtpof=true&sd=true
- Video Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXlUUEbD1ak&list=PLNrd6lQRh0iZzSxgMo_zhz69clqkD0W9J&index=14
- John's website: https://antiwarwarvet.com/
- Lysander Spooner's "No Treason": https://www.scribd.com/book/426684842/The-Complete-Works-of-Lysander-Spooner-The-Unconstitutionality-of-Slavery-No-Treason-The-Constitution-of-No-Authority-Vices-are-Not-Crimes-Natura?utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google_search&utm_campaign=3Q_Google_DSA_NB_RoW&utm_device=c&gclid=CjwKCAjwu_mSBhAYEiwA5BBmfyAeOQrLz1F1oT9Aza8SLWTGTM-SfHiyZxSx3YUYGB2dP5zsRPe63BoClx0QAvD_BwE
- David Grossman's "On Killing": https://www.amazon.com/Killing-Psychological-Cost-Learning-Society/dp/0316040932
- War and Moral Injury: https://www.amazon.com/Moral-Injury-Robert-Emmet-Meagher/dp/1498296785
- Achilles in Vietnam: https://www.amazon.com/Achilles-in-Vietnam-audiobook/dp/B07DR1DK7Y/ref=sr_1_1?crid=ZN6NYE4VSPSX&keywords=achilles+in+vietnam&qid=1650411772&s=books&sprefix=achilles+in+vietnam%2Cstripbooks%2C169&sr=1-1
- War is a Racket: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/198259.War_is_a_Racket?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=mhUu4ganRr&rank=1
0:00 - Introduction
6:20 - Pacifism vs anti-war
9:45 how our freedoms and security are hampered by protecting our freedom through military action
20:30 - Diffusion of responsibility as cogs in a wheel that run the machinery
26:30 - inalienable rights aren't inalienable, as we don't apply them to other groups
31:45 - Smedley Butler
34:15 - Is war a racket?
41:20 - Taxes, contracts, and Lysander Spooner's "No Treason"
47:30 - Moral injury and the cost of state violence
- Laverne Miller
- Jesse Killion